Vignettes from The Coaldale Observer Newspaper - 1922 & 1938

Vignettes from The Coaldale Observer Newspaper - 1922 & 1938

SUNDAY VISITING STOPPED AT COALDALE HOSPITAL—January 13, 1938—Because visiting privileges for Sunday afternoons at the Coaldale Hospital have been greatly abused, Supt. Edward Murphy announced that Sunday visiting would be abolished at once. For a number of months visiting on Sundays was permitted between the hours of 2 and 3 P.M. so as to give those who were so employed and not able to come at any other time an opportunity to visit their friends and relatives. The regular weekly visiting hours of from 2 to 3 o’clock on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and the men’s visiting time from 7 to 8 on each evening of those days will be continued, however.

COALDALE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION TO HOLD SHOW—January 13, 1938—The Coaldale Public Library will sponsor a Hollywood marionette show in the Coaldale High School auditorium on Tuesday, February 1st, both afternoon and evening. The purpose is to raise sufficient funds to carry on and increase the good work being done by the library association. “The Pied Piper of Hamelin” that magic tale of mice has never lost its powerful appeal to peoples of all ages and all nations. Robert Browning immortalized the theme in his poem, and C. Ray Smith’s famous Olvera street Marionettes from Hollywood will present the Marionette version here. During the past year the Library had 768 members who have had access to 2120 books. The officers of the association are very desirous of increasing the membership for the coming year and in presenting this Marionette show all our townspeople are asked to cooperate in this worthwhile work.

COMINGS AND GOINGS—June 28, 1922—George Demyanovich moved his barber shop anf household furniture into his newly purchased property, corner of Second and Ridge streets. He is having it remodeled…The awning at Jack McElroy’s Ice Cream Parlor on Phillips street took fire Tuesday evening but was pulled down before the flames communicated themselves to the building…A move to organize a new bank in town is on foot, local financiers being in touch with Albert H. thacher, a bank organizer of Sayre…Teachers who left during the week to take the summer course at West Chester Normal were: Miss Anna Breslin, Miss Marion McElhenney, Miss Alice Sharpe and Miss Nora Melley. At Kutztown Normal, Miss Eleanor West, Miss Marion Livingood, Miss Ruth Boyle, Miss Pearl Filer and Miss Mary Berger have enrolled and on Tuesday the following will leave for Muhlenberg: Miss Catherine Melley, Miss Sue Riley, Miss Helen Murphy, Miss Cicily Gordon and James C. Lithgow…The Women’s Bible Class of the Congregational Church motored to Saylor’s Lake Thursday for their annual outing. Chicken was the piece de resistance in an appetizing dinner enjoyed before the return home.

PIG-STICKING, MOST THRILLING OF SPORTS—June 28, 1922—Pig-Sticking is not the form of amusement that would appeal to the mollycoddle. One of the most thrilling of all sports is pig-sticking. Armed with a steel-pointed bamboo spear some seven or eight feet long, and mounted on a fast, well-trained horse, the pig-sticker waits outside a patch of covert until the beaters’ cries announce that a wild boar has gone away. He then gallops after the quarry, accompanied by several other riders all intent on winning the honor which goes to the “first spear.”The Indian boar is a large and powerful beast, standing some 40 inches in height, and armed with formidable tusks, which he uses to good purpose. He is the craftiest of animals and the finest of fighters. After him go the sportsmen. They have no chance of catching him for some time, for in his first burst the “Pig” will out-distance any horse. At last one rider, drawing away from the rest, gets within sticking distance. Quick as lightning the boar “jinks,” or jumps to one side. Next moment horse and rider are struggling on the ground, for piggy has charged hard and true, throwing them both. If help is not at hand he will wound or even kill his antagonist. His tusks, nine or ten inches in length, he uses as chisels, ripping and tearing with them in his fury. Luckily, the second man is close up, and after a fierce fight the pig is speared. Here is a form of sport that no one could accuse of tameness.

ATTENTION! PHONOGRAPH OWNERS—June 28, 1922—If you appreciate good music, why not take better care of your records? Preserve them and improve the tone by keeping them clean with a Omaha Hand-Made “PHON-O-BRUSH.” Made better and cost less. Satisfaction or money refunded. Sent post-paid upon receipt of 25 cents silver or stamps. Address: Martins Aye-Won Service, BOX 115, Harney Station, Omaha, Nebraska.

THE BEAUTY DOCTOR—January 13, 1938—This is the season when hands suffer most. So here is a lotion you can prepare yourself that has no equal for rough or chapped hands: Soak 60 grains of gum tragacanth in 14 ounces of strong rosewater for three days. Add one ounce of alcohol, one ounce of glycerine and a few drops of your favorite perfume. Oil of rose geranium added to the rosewater will make this preparation pleasantly fragrant. Keep in jars into which you can dip your fingertips.