Thanksgiving Day, 1946

Vice President and General Manager,
Lehigh Navigation Coal Company, Inc.

Thanksgiving Day, 1946

(Source: Program for 25th Annual Coaldale-Lansford football game.)

We have much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving Day.

The mines are working steady, necessities of life are more abundant and our beloved country, thanks to the fortitude, patriotism of its young men, is today in the strongest position of any Nation in all history.

Down deep in our hearts this morning we gave thanks to Almighty God for his abundant blessings.

This afternoon we await the opening whistle of the Coaldale-Lansford high school football game, serene in the spirit of Thanksgiving, knowing that when the game is ended our boys, win or lose, will have acquitted themselves creditably.

There's something worthwhile interwoven into the tradition behind this annual classic. In October, 1921, when Coaldale and Lansford high schools first clashed on the gridiron, there was very little interest in the contest. Today, the game is the crowning achievement of all effort put forth all season long. Built on the sound instinct of true sportsmanship, the game appeals to the best that's in every true hearted American.

The boys playing football give all they have to win. That much is expected from every member of both squads.

Working together they set a pattern we might all adopt for the best welfare of the Panther Valley.

The sale of anthracite coal provides the industrial life blood for which we today give thanks. Coal must be mined before it can be sold. Every mine worker enjoying today's game expects the boys playing the game to give all they got.

Take time out for a moment and give consideration to how best we can apply the lesson of teamwork to our daily on the job effort in the mines.

The Valley can be what we want it to be when everybody on the team gives full time effort every day in the year to the task of meeting market requirements.

Vice President and General Manager,
Lehigh Navigation Coal Company, Inc.

(Source: Program for 25th Annual Coaldale-Lansford football game.)

Note: Final score of the 1946 game was Coaldale 7, Lansford 6. (Source: