Coaldale, Pennsylvania
Site by Nick Berezniak
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Voter can use multiple answers at first voting session
Last Week's Poll
With what foods do you eat ketchup?-bacon
-chicken nuggets
-fish and chips
-french fries
-grilled cheese
-hot dogs
-plain bread
-tater tots

 Which former or current Coaldale buildings did, or do, you ever spend a somewhat significant amount of time?
-Angela Theater............................................(5)17%
-Annas Luncheonette(0)
-Bucks Restaurant.......................................(4)14%
-Coaldale Diner.............................................(1)3%
-Coaldale High School (now Complex)......(4)14%
-Coaldale Hospital(0)
-Joe Laigonâs Candy Store........................(2)7%
-Henry Plociniks Pool Room....................(4)14%
-Kips Restaurant.......................................(1)3%
-Marian High School(0)
-Marion Novaks Store(0)
-Ruddle Street School................................(4)14%
-St. Cyrils School........................................(1)3%
-St. Lukes Hospital(0)
-St. Marys School(0)
-The Shack(0)
-Tommys Restaurant(0)
-Town Hall (aka, Hose House)....................(2)7%