Marian (Pavlik) Canzoneri, 68, of 5 Eighth Ave., Nesquehoning, PA,
died March 1, 2006 in Blue Mountain Health Alliance, Lehighton Campus.

was the wife of Andrew
(Humbug) Canzoneri. They celebrated their 48th wedding anniversary on January 25, 2006.
Born in Coaldale, she was a daughter of the late Peter J. and Mary (Kominitsky) Pavlik.
She was employed as a secretary for Tiffany and Company of New York and Volkswagen of
America of NJ before retiring in 1995. Formerly of Englewood NJ, she has been living in
Nesquehoning since 1995. Survivors: Husband; sister, Eileen Ostrosky of Walnut Creek,
California and a nephew. Services: 11:30 a.m. Saturday, Joseph S. Blazosky Funeral Home,
81 E. Catawissa St., Nesquehoning, PA with the Msgr. John B. McCann officiating. Call 10 a.m.
until time of service Saturday. Interment at the convenience of the family. Contributions: Carbon
County Animal Shelter, 63 Broad St., Nesquehoning, PA 18240.
Published in the Morning Call on 3/3/2006.