Legion Will Honor Outstanding Citizen (1933)

Legion Will Honor Outstanding Citizen (1933)

(Coaldale Observer, April 19, 1933)

Gewehr-Shubeck Post No. 170 American Legion will conduct its annual Community Dinner in the social parlors of the Congregational Church this Thursday evening, April 20, 1933.

The dinner will be featured by the annual Legion award given each year to one citizen in the home community who, in the estimation of the American Legion performs the most outstanding service in point of public worth and Legion interest.

Thomas J. Evans, president of Coaldale School Board, president of Coaldale Branch of the American Red Cross and active worker in the local relief organization has been chosen as most deserving of the 1933 award.

Mr. Evans will be honored by friends and fellow townsmen on this occasion and the program will be dignified by the presence of Judge Gangloff of the Schuylkill County bench, and State Commander Griffith of the American Legion.